
Hey! My name is Slava. I studied a plasma engineering specialty in BMSTU, but suddenly became a software developer. I'm currently focused on a backend, but generally love web development in all its forms.

I spend my spare time on learning new technologies and contributing to the open-source projects. You can find my commits in projects like aiohttp and verdaccio. Check out my last project using rust and webassembly rust-event-driven-simulation!

I'm convinced gnu / linux user, my everyday OS is ArchLinux. Favourite server OS is Debian.


The places I've worked:
  • Planner5D 2D/3D home design tool used by 77M+ users worldwide
    DevOps — designing and maintaining infrastructure for 3D renders and AI related services.
  • GOSU.AI Voice assistant platform for gamers
    Tech Lead — lead developer of voice assitant for games.

    Full-stack Developer — backend for the advanced game voice assistant application, steam bot service with 10k+ users online.
  • Maps.Me Offline maps for travellers #1
    Automation Engeneer — CI, development of internal automatization tools & services.